Franja BTC City Marathon

Marathon Franja 07.-.109.6.2024

The Franja Marathon is the largest recreational cycling event in Slovenia and has a long tradition, as it was first held in 1982.

It offers six different routes or trials, something for every cycling enthusiast. Franja Marathon with 156km,  Franja Little Marathon with 97 km and driving on time are intended for adult recreational users. Children can find their challenge in non-competitive trials at A family - school marathon for everyone and on Children's marathon.

More information about the Marathon Franja event >>

Kot uvod v tekmovalno sezono na obali organiziramo kolesarske dirke za mladince in mladinke. Posebnost lokacije je izjemna atraktivnost, saj bo dogodek potekal na Aerodromu Portorož. Dirke bodo mednarodnega značaja štele pa bodo za pokal Slovenije v kategoriji mlajših mladincev, starejših mladincev, mlajših mladink, starejših mladink, U23 ženske in ELITE ženske.

Poleg tega pa bomo za mlajše kolesarje (šolski in predšolski otroci) pripravili še »promocijsko dirko« v cestnem kolesarstvu. Nastop otrok bo prispeval k promociji športa pri mladih in spodbujanju športne aktivnosti.

Želimo, da bi se čim več mladih in njihovih staršev zavedalo, da je
kolesarstvo zdrav in zelo prijeten šport.

1. VN Domžale Municipality 14.4.2024

After 2016, when we hosted a road race for the national championship in Domžale, road races are returning in 2024, this time for the categories of young men and women. Together with the race in Kamnik, they will count as a stage race for the Pogi Cup. Yellow and pink shirts for the best, polka dots for the best hill climbers...races that will be a real cycling spectacle.

Kamnik Cup and VN Generali Zame April 13, 2024

A new race on the calendar and a race in the truest sense of the word, a rugged route in the style of "Strade bianche" with a two-kilometer macadam section. Start and finish in Tunjice 

17th VN Komende – Lidl Youth Cup May 19, 2024


The Grand Prize of the Municipality of Komenda has been held continuously since 2007, when for the first time we also organized the national championship for boys. The race is regularly scheduled in May, as this month in the municipality of Komenda is also dedicated to the celebration of the municipal holiday.

It is intended for almost all categories of cyclists. Amateurs are tested on races for the Cup of Slovenia, and citizens in the match for municipal championship of Komenda municipality. For boys and girls, younger youths, and younger and older youths a race that counts towards the Cup of Slovenia is taking place.

The race is quite challenging and attractive because of its rugged route with a steep incline and the finish line above it. Because of the latter, in 2007, 2011 and 2017, we were chosen by the Cycling Federation of Slovenia to organize the national championship for boys, girls and juniors.

Since we believe that one of our missions is also the promotion of cycling among young people, with the help of a regular sponsor we organize Lidl Youth Cup. The competition is intended for pre-school and school youth who do not yet practice cycling, but want to try their hand at this sport.

13. VN Občine Vodice in pokal Lidl – 14. september 2024

The Grand Prix of the Municipality of Vodice is one of the last races in the cycling calendar, as it is held at the end of September. It was organized for the first time in 2012, and in 2017 we slightly changed the route and thus made it even more attractive.

Like the Komenda's grand prize, the race in Vodice is a full-day event. The morning time is designated the municipal championship of the Municipality of Vodice and matches for the Cup of Slovenia for amateur competitors. It follows a match for pre-school and school youth, whose purpose is to introduce cycling to young people and offer them the opportunity to compete in it. It takes place in the afternoon race for the Cup of Slovenia for boys and girls, and younger juniors. At that time, you can see young athletes who regularly train and participate in competitions. On such a route as the Grand Prix of the Municipality of Vodice offers, an exciting and tense race certainly promises.

VN Avtomojster Podsmreka 6. oktober 2024

Since 2001, the competition season for the Cup of Slovenia ends with the VN Avtomojster race. It is intended for male and female cyclists in the ELITE category, up to 23 years old, older youths and amateurs. In the first years, the match took place in the surroundings of Šmarna gora, but since 2006 we have moved it to Podsmreka. The race route is circular. Amateurs cover 3 laps with a total length of 21 km, while the other categories cover 10 laps – 70 km.

The race has a special charm, as it is the last road cycling test in Slovenia for cyclists, and a fan treat for cycling enthusiasts. They can see the best Slovenian cyclists up close and on home soil, including some who are currently riding for big cycling teams abroad.




Ciklokros Ljubljana 26. december 2024 ob 11 uri

Mud, snow, cold and one hour of full-on racing. Jumping over obstacles, running up stairs, slalom on the sand and a race where you can wash your bike during the race.

Ciklokros Ljubljana 18. december 2024 ob 10 uri

Prvenstvo ljubljanskih osnovnih in srednjih šol v ciklokrosu

Šolsko državno prvenstvo v vožnji na čas, Planica 23. september 2024

Mladostno in zagnano prvenstvo, vožnja na čas, najboljši med šolarji. Tudi v letu 2024 na progah nordijskega svetovnega prvenstva v Planici. Morda pa kakšen kolesar zbere pogum in skoči tudi na skakalnici;)

At the police training ground in Tacno, our association, in cooperation with the Sports Institute of the Republic of Planica, the Municipality of Ljubljana and the Cycling Federation of Slovenia, organizes a national school competition and the championship of Ljubljana schools in the time trial every year. In this competition, male and female cyclists compete for their schools, and the specialty of the competition is also the overall total of the best primary schools, for which the cyclists accumulate points. The routes vary in length depending on age, from 800 to 1,600 meters. Since there are quite a few technical turns on the circuit and also a small hill, a good result requires not only good fitness, but also a feeling for the bike.

Horn's golden wheel

ROGO'S GOLDEN BIKE is awarded every year at the end of the season to the best placed in the world UCI ranking ( UCI WORLD RANKING )



Women - ELITE/U23

Men - U23

In the desire to give young people the experience and feelings of wearing yellow or pink shirts at bicycle races, we organized it for the first time in 2021 Pogi Cup. The trophy counts for boys and girls A, B and C, which on four races organized by KD Roga, collect points, and the leaders after each race advance to the next test puts on a yellow (boys) and pink (girls) shirt. In 2022, at the initiative of the Perutnina Ptuj cycling club, we added a race for the Poli Cup in Ptuj, so that in 2022 the Pogi Cup counted five races. Final presentation of trophies and prizes to the top three in each category performed at the last race of the season VN Automaster in Podsmreka. The Pogi Cup is also awarded to the best team of the year in terms of scoring.

Races that count towards the Pogi Cup:

  1. Poli Cup
  2. VN Komenda Municipality – Lidl Youth Cup
  3. The Tadej Pogačar Cup
  4. VN Vodice Municipality
  5. VN Automaster


Domžale National Championship

In 2016, we organized the national road driving championship in Ihan near Domžale. In addition to the Franja Marathon, which we organize every year, the organization of the national championship in road driving was a big organizational challenge. The selection of the circuit was assigned to our former cycling ace Andrej Hauptman, who with his experience led the circuit along a very attractive route, which was intended for both fast riders and those who are good at riding uphill. Just under 13 km long, the circuit was led from Ihan to Goričica, where the cyclists had to climb almost 2 km long, and before arriving at the Dob-Sveta Trojica road, they had to overcome another kilometer-long macadam section each time. Then followed the descent to the Dobu river, past the junction for the Ljubljana - Maribor highway, past Prelog, back towards Ihan. In the men's member competition, Primož Roglič and Jan Tratnik staged an exceptional duel, who in the end won their first national champion title in the member category, while Polona Batagelj won the title of national champion among the members of the ellipse.

Marathon Lj - Trieste



Dear cyclists, we inform you that it will be traditional trip to Trieste and back to Sunday 18.9.2022.

1. CHOIR at 8:30 a.m., start at 9:00 a.m. on Kongresni trg in Ljubljana

2. groups of 6-8 cyclists each start separately at a time interval of 2 minutes

3. groups will be organized according to driving speed:

25km/h, 28km/h, 30km/h, 32km/h, 35km/h, 38km/h, 40km/h

4. drive from Ljubljana to Senožeč (lunch) and back.

5. registration fee 10 EUR (snack, medal) - payment is made in Senožeče

6. Registration is mandatory no later than September 15. on  with information on the desired driving speed

You will be accompanied by experienced trainers from KD Rog.

The Ljubljana-Trieste International Friendship Cycling Marathon is intended for recreational cyclists and is completely non-competitive.

Tender for marathon Ljubljana-Trieste 2018.pdf

Application form.pdf

