15 July, 24

This weekend, Slovenia was proud of its youth cycling team, which demonstrated its perseverance and strength at the Cup of Nations race in Tlmače and Podhajska in Slovakia. Among the older juniors, the colors were represented by Jure Medved, Tine Jenko, Bor Ebner, Taj Žagar and Bastian Petrič, while Jakub Husar competed for the home colors.

The three-day event began with Friday's time trial, which was marked by heat and strong winds, which presented riders with additional challenges on the 11-kilometer course. Tine Jenko won 24th place, Bastian Petrič 42nd place, and Bor Ebner was 45th. Jenko was the best Slovenian in this time trial, while Jakub Husar for Slovakia ranked 57th.

The weekend brought two more road races, where our juniors continued their active racing. They maintained their strong form in Saturday's race, and were preparing the ground for Sunday's final, where expectations were especially high due to Bastian Petrič's excellent ranking on Saturday.

Sunday offered a dramatic finish, with a crash in the final moments before the finish, when everything was set for a sprint. Bastian Petrič, who was in an excellent position for a high ranking, was involved in an accident at the head of the group and was thus left without a chance for the podium. Nevertheless, the fall, fortunately, did not leave serious consequences.

Slovenian youths return home richer for valuable experiences that will undoubtedly contribute to their further development and success on the international scene. With their fighting spirit and team spirit, our cyclists showed that they are serious competitors in youth races and that the future of Slovenian cycling is in good hands.

The results
