17 June, 24

Younger youths in the line-up of Vanja Kuntarič Žibert, Miha Otoničar, Maks Bahar, Matic Vintar, Mauro Mächtig, Žiga Stare and Tit Stevič competed in the Italian Pieris in an 83-kilometer race on Sunday. They did the first six laps of just over 7km around Pieris, and then two climbs awaited them, to San Martino del Carso and San Michele, where the mountain finish was also. The first major selection took place on the first climb, where four riders, Vinter, Kuntarič Žibert, and riders Meblo yoga, Komel and Olenik remained in the foreground. The escapers were also in the forefront at the mountain finish, which was won by Vintar, they worked together until the last kilometer, but here Vintar attacked and won the solo ride. Vanja took 4th place, Miha Otoničar was fifth and Mauro Mächtig 11th.
